How Come it's Called That? Place Names in the Big Bend Country


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How Come It's Called That? by Virginia Madison and Hallie Stillwell. From the introduction: "Road maps and guidebooks a-plenty have been worked out by experts at watching signposts and mile-markers to lead you through the trails and canyons and up the mountains of the Big Bend country, so we have in no way attempted to chart your course.  However if any of your explorations in the region cause you to wonder at the peculiar-sounding name attached to some remote place, or if there seems to be no logic whatsoever in the name of a spring, mountain or canyon, drag out this little volume and find out how come it's called that.

"If there are several versions to the story of how a place was named we have given all the versions, but if you find something you don't believe, remember that this is how we heard it, for all the stories came from the people.  And you will miss the most important commodity the Big Bend has to offer if you don't get to know the people.

"In a region where the people are individualists, it is impossible to get all the good stories between the covers of one book, for there are just as many good yarns as there are individuals.  If you hear a story about the naming of some landmark which we did not include, jot it down, for it will give you a bright peg upon which to hand your memory of that place." Iron Mountain Press. 5 1/2" x 8 1/2" softcover. 131 pages + 16 pages of historic photographs and two maps. 1997; orginally published 1958.

  • Model: 096579850X

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